Our Community. Our Safety.
On November 2, 2021 voters in Linn County will have a chance to VOTE YES and support Linn County Law Enforcement. The passage of Measure 22-189 will ensure continued funding and services for the Linn County Sheriff’s Office, the Linn County District Attorney’s Office, and the Linn County Juvenile Department.

Why you should VOTE YES!
The levy funds critical staffing positions Office-wide.
The law enforcement levy is critical to maintaining operations and services to the community at the Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff’s Office ability to respond to calls for service 24-hours per day, keep the jail fully open, conduct detailed criminal investigations, and support all other functions of the Office would face severe shortages in staffing if Measure 22-189 doesn’t pass.
127 out of our 190 positions are funded by levy dollars.
Nearly 7 our of every 10 positions at the Sheriff’s Office are funded by levy dollars.
Vote YES on Measure 22-189, and FUND your local law enforcement agencies.
Vote YES on 22-189 to FUND your local law enforcement!
More than half of all budget resources available to the Sheriff’s Office come from levy dollars. By voting YES on Measure 22-189, the Sheriff’s Office will be able to continue services to the public, and improve, enhance and expand some key services. These include better response to persons in crisis, expanded emergency preparedness efforts, and improved digital crimes investigations tools.
How You Can Get Involved
Call (541) 981-8742 to Donate Or Contact Us below to get involved.
There are many ways to help support a safer Linn County, and volunteering to walk door-to-door is a vital way. Use our Contact Us form to be included in our volunteer opportunities.
Show your support!
If you have a home or business in a high traffic area, we would love to bring a yard sign out, and let you show your support for local law enforcement!
Supporting a ballot measure involves many strategies. Expenses include signs, mailers, door hangers, radio advertisements, and more. Your donation makes it all possible!
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Citizens for a Safer Linn County is made up of volunteers from throughout Linn County. Your involvement and support will help us pass the Law Enforcement Levy, and help our law enforcement agencies keep us all safer.